


Lecture attendance.  You are expected to attend each lecture. If you miss class your absence will be apparent when you do poorly on exams. You will not understand the emphasis I put on lecture material only by reading the book, looking over illustrations, or reading someone else’s notes. I provide a guide for each lecture but not detailed lecture notes. If you must miss a lecture, be sure to get notes and go through them with a classmate, and ask me questions during office hours. I am always willing to take the time to help you to better understand material.

Laboratory: You are required to attend each 3-hour lab for its duration. Arriving late or leaving early (without an excuse approved before class) will result in loss of 1/3 of attendance/ participation points for any fraction of each hour missed. You should work together to examine material and discuss questions, but drawings and written answers must be your own. Given their nature, labs cannot be “made up,” and access to material cannot be provided outside of the lab period. You may hand in lab worksheets at the end of lab or start of the following lecture.

Exam prep.  Exam days will involve both a lab practical exam and a lecture/reading exam, all in one 3-h lab period.  Use the study guide I provide for each lecture and the worksheet for each lab.  For lecture, you must know taxonomy to the level listed at the top of each guide, and for laboratory, to the level listed in the taxonomy section of the lab handout.  See the Exams link at the website for more information.  Group study is recommended as follows: only after first studying thoroughly on your own, quiz each other about terms and concepts. Nothing tests understanding better than being forced to verbalize answers out loud.

Disabilities I will do my best to accommodate any student with a documented disability who has been approved through SNAP.  The lab exam setup can complicate the accommodation, but I have worked this out with students before.  Talk with me during office hours.

Missing an exam. Because there is no way to “make up” a laboratory exam, you may be excused from taking exams at the scheduled time only for an officially documented medical emergency suffered on the day of the exam.  Other unavoidable professional conflicts (which includes med school interviews, but not family gatherings) should be discussed with me well in advance.

Late assignments.  Assignments are due at the date and time indicated.  Assignments handed in past the deadline without prior approval will have approximately 5% per day deducted.

Academic misconduct.  Lying, cheating, attempted cheating, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, and re-use of work done by you previously are all violations of the honor code. Be sure that you understand the definition and consequences of all potential violations, including intentional and unintentional plagiarism, as described in the student handbook at http://studentaffairs.cofc.edu/honor-system/studenthandbook/index.php. It is far better to turn in poor work for a poor grade than to receive an XF (failure for cheating) and a suspension, which are automatic sanctions for intentional plagiarism. Members of the honor board, mostly students, take these issues seriously.

Electronics.  Cell phones and other communication devices must be turned off at the start of class (check with me before class if you have a special need). My phone will stay on in case of a CougarAlert. After one warning, your phone may be held at the front of the room and returned at the end of class. Please show respect to me and your peers by giving your full attention and effort during the class period. Please talk with me if you plan to use a laptop or tablet for taking notes.

How to succeed, in education & life. Work hard and show determination (grit). Studies show these are greater predictors of success than innate intelligence.  See the success link for more pointers!


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