Reading Assignments

The following table summarizes all of the readings you are responsible for completing for each lecture by the date indicated.  Some students find it helpful to reread the textbook material after it is covered in class. Readings are listed on the days that lectures are likely to start.  Three types of required readings are included:

(1) [page numbers] in bold from Biology of the Invertebrates, 7th ed.*, by Jan A. Pechenik.  "Research Focus Boxes" are not included in the reading assignment unless specified (see below).  Starting and/or ending text is included in quotes with the page numbers if the sections to be read might be ambiguous;

(2) Research Focus Box #s from the Pechenik text;

(3) selected supplementary readings [SR], which are available as .pdf files at the SR link

* Note: use these page numbers only if you have the older 5th edition (green cover) of the textbook.  For the 6th edition (orange cover), go here. For the newest 7th (black cover) edition, go here.

** Dates are tentative--check weekly email for changes to schedule.




Unit and Reading assignment*





Jan 10 R

1. Classification [5-16, 21-23 (how...pages), 23-26 (cladistics...text)]



2. Protozoa [33-34 (…2), 36-39 (Contractile…slowly)], Porifera [75-85], [SR]




15 T

3. Cnidaria [97-119], Box 6.1


17 R

Ctenophora [131-4 (...pores)]





22 T

4. Flatworms [143-9 (...capacity)], Nemerteans [195-202 (...possible)]


24 R

5. Cavities [8], hydrostats [93-5], Nematodes [417-21, 429-30]





29 T

6. Annelids [285-93 (...feeding), 314 (circulatory...annelid)], Box 11.1


31 R

Echiurans, Siboglinids [308-11 (Class...female), 295-9], Sipunculans [314-17]





 Feb 5 T

7. Parasites [149-62, 189-91, 438,], Box 8.1 [SR]


7 R

8. Molluscs [207-30], Box 12.1





12 T

9. Molluscs [230-61], Box 12.3


14 R

Molluscs (cont.)





19 T

10. Arthropods [329-39] & [SR]


21 R

Arthropods (cont.) [358-67] & [SR]





26 R

11. Barnacles! [373-376 (…water)] & [SR]


 28 T

12. Echinoderms [485-508] & [SR





Mar 5 T

---spring break---


7 R

---spring break---





12 T

Echinoderms (cont.)


14 R

13. Hemichordates [513-20] & Urochordates [523-31]





19 T

14. Lophophorates and Kamptozoans [461-479]


21 R

15. Chelicerates/Uniramians [339-353], Tardigrades [408-10], Box 14.1





26 T

Taxonomic lectures (cont.)


28 R

16. History and phylogeny [17-21, 26-28], Box 11.1 & [SR]





Apr 2 T

17. Mechanisms [SR]


4 R

18. Modular growth: Box 19.1 & [SR]





9 T

19. Sex and larval biology [539-565], Box 23.1


11 R

20. Physical biology [1-4] & [SR]





16 T

21. Box 14.3, [439-442], Chaetognatha [449-455, Box 18.1] & [SR]


18 R

22. Conservation issues [SR]



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